Digital transformation - the inevitable trend to help businesses change their business model from traditional to "digital" model, improve production, sales and operational efficiency to improve effective in serve and take care customers, helps businesses sustainable development. For industrial manufacturing,...
View detailAs we know, andon - an automated production monitoring system that helps to comunicate quickly about incidents at manufacturing lines, helps to respond quickly and reduce production downtime. So how about the andon's history stages?
View detailSome industries such as textile and garments, leather and shoes or mechanical, products are often manually counted. So we need to be used automation solution to count and record automatically, synchronously to ensure information is transparency, constantly updated and control the progress of orders completion.
View detailIn 2018 marked a good development of manufacturing enterprises. In 2019, with the strong development and application of technology, especially is smart manufacturing, automation managing and mornitoring, reduction depending on labor will help enterprises have a new year with the prospect of strong development.
View detailTo improve efficiency in manufacturing, which indicators need to be specially concerned by manufacturing managers or supervisors?
View detailIn 2014, Toyota retired the Andon pull-cord system, a symbol for the lean, efficient and quality manufacturing in the Toyota Way, which has been replicated around the world in the automotive industry and other manufacturing industries.
View detailReading ability without direct contact, simultaneous reading of multiple objects as well as the ability to use many times is a remarkable advantage, meeting the requirements and contributing to the development of IoT ecosystem in the current period.
View detailZigbee is an excellent solution in wireless control and monitoring application, which is the first and most widely used in the industry because of its high stability and good resistance to interference. The andon wireless solution with Zigbee helps optimize deployment, cost savings, and maximum efficiency...
View detailHanoiTex 2018 with the presence of nearly 120 booths of brands from 12 countries and territories around the world. Along with that, a series of workshops and seminars to share and connect key factors to bring efficiency to the sector, especially technology, finance and the market. Avani will be accompanied...
View detailIn manufacturing, the component must make the most investment is equipment. Efficient use of equipment reflects the manufacturing efficiency in that enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to apply technology solutions, as smart manufacturing to improve and optimize this efficiency index.
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