Product counting with RFId

RFId is a form of identification using radio waves. Products are tagged RFId tags (RFId tags) for convenient counting and management of output because it is possible to check each product in batches without having to contact one to one as for Bar-code.


  • Each RFId card can describe a lot of product information
  • RFId tag is reusable;
  • Reading the information just put the product into the reading area of the Antenna, no need to read 1-1 as bar code
  • Can read many products at the same time, even packaged products
  • Automatically collect information about the product, the number of products in a read.


  • On products tagged RFId tags (RFId tag)
  • At the end of line or checking points, the Antenna is attached to the reader
  • Automated information collected when the product passes
  • Information transmitted on the central software system for management and processing.
  • Display output online to LCD or software on PCs, smartphone

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