Hệ thống giám sát bảo trì tự động (CBM - Condition-Based Maintenance) đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh và hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp phát triển bền vững. Dưới đây là các khía cạnh chính mà hệ thống này giúp doanh nghiệp...
View detailThe pre-production checklist is an important step before operating the production machine. It helps businesses ensure that all necessary preparation steps are completed, helping to optimize the production process, ensure product quality, and avoid common errors. Below are some detailed contents about...
View detailIn the context of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, technology is becoming a key factor in helping manufacturing enterprises optimize processes, increase productivity and reduce costs. Below are some prominent technologies and how to apply them to production management.
View detailSmart Manufacturing with the Internet of Things (IoT) is a breakthrough in optimizing the production process through connecting and collecting data from devices, machines, sensors and systems via the internet. IoT not only helps monitor the production process in real time but also helps predict, control...
View detailEffective production management is an important factor that helps businesses maintain competitiveness, optimize costs and improve product quality. Here are some important secrets to effective production management
View detailAndon is an important visual management system in industrial production, especially in Lean Manufacturing models.
View detailIn today's context, the industry is undergoing major transformation with innovation and technological developments. Among important technologies, the Andon system has become an important tool in production management, bringing many important benefits to businesses.
View detailWhen it comes to the phrase "Automation", most of us immediately think of automatic machines, automatic lines or industrial robots used in processing, assembling, testing or packaging products... Very few people think about automatically monitoring production – a process that needs to be continuously...
View detailTo control exactly what is happening in the manufacturing process, iAndon software system - CNC machine tool monitoring solution was born. The system is capable of collecting and using data to make appropriate improvements according to each production period. The system is understood as a means of adding...
View detailAccording to statistics from reputable websites, Vietnam has more than 3000 enterprises in the mechanical industry, 50% of which are manufacturing, manufacturing and assembling. CNC machine tools in enterprises of many different manufacturers have different shelf lives. Most of the manufacturing workshops...
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