Smart factories are a rising trend in modern manufacturing. This is a production model in which information technology, automation and artificial intelligence are strongly integrated to create a more flexible, efficient and advanced production environment.
View detailDigitalization and automation play an important role in the industrial production process, helping to improve and optimize output, quality, and effectively apply technology for increasingly automated production.
View detailIn today's context, the industry is undergoing major transformation with innovation and technological developments. Among important technologies, the Andon system has become an important tool in production management, bringing many important benefits to businesses.
View detailTo control exactly what is happening in the manufacturing process, iAndon software system - CNC machine tool monitoring solution was born. The system is capable of collecting and using data to make appropriate improvements according to each production period. The system is understood as a means of adding...
View detailWhen it comes to machine manufacturing, we often talk about CNC machining. So what is CNC machining, how to manage CNC machines to get the best results. Let's go over a few concepts.
View detailThe machine tool monitoring system helps managers understand the operation process of all types of machinery and equipment in the factory, from which there is a basis for making appropriate and adaptive production and improvement plans. flexible.
View detailAndon Light Monitoring is a complete solution, including hardware and software support for monitoring machine tool production in manufacturing enterprises. IoT technology application solution based on connection from terminal devices, integration of other software systems to serve common management needs.
View detailAccording to statistics from reputable websites, Vietnam has more than 3000 enterprises in the mechanical industry, 50% of which are manufacturing, manufacturing and assembling. CNC machine tools in enterprises of many different manufacturers have different shelf lives. Most of the manufacturing workshops...
View detailIn industrial production, where CNC machines are more and more advanced, modern and applied, take on many tasks to improve efficiency, accuracy, productivity and reduce labor. Therefore, in addition to continuously learning, updating information on how to use and operate the machine most effectively,...
View detailManufacturers always want the best, most efficient control of all production activities in the factory. With the development of science and technology in the 4.0 era, the monitoring of production machines gradually becomes a mandatory need in the factory management operation process. The iAndon system...
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