When it comes to the phrase "Automation", most of us immediately think of automatic machines, automatic lines or industrial robots used in processing, assembling, testing or packaging products... Very few people think about automatically monitoring production – a process that needs to be continuously...
View detailTo control exactly what is happening in the manufacturing process, iAndon software system - CNC machine tool monitoring solution was born. The system is capable of collecting and using data to make appropriate improvements according to each production period. The system is understood as a means of adding...
View detailAndon Light Monitoring is a complete solution, including hardware and software support for monitoring machine tool production in manufacturing enterprises. IoT technology application solution based on connection from terminal devices, integration of other software systems to serve common management needs.
View detailProduction management for production machines such as lathes, milling machines, CNC machines, most factories are using manual data collection and processing systems, which have encountered many limitations in both space and time. Currently, the industrial revolution 4.0, the application of automatic...
View detailDeciding to use MES production management system is a right decision, but to choose a MES system supplier that meets the needs of the business correctly and appropriately is not a good decision. simple. In order to find the right system supplier, based on many criteria, we will give a few notes for manufacturing...
View detailTime is considered a one-way arrow, only know straight to the future. What appeared, immediately turned into the past, was then maintained or eliminated. And the Andon system was born before 1945 and originated in Japan, until now there is still a place in the era of industrial economy 4.0 booming. Let's...
View detailWhy is production management considered the key to business success? It is both a challenge and an opportunity for the growth of that business. If you are still wondering about this, let us explore some of the core goals of production output management.
View detailImproving production - Kaizen is considered a continuous and continuous mission of factories, manufacturing enterprises. The purpose of improvement is to find many solutions to improve product quality, minimize waste, save costs, increase profits. Using Andon system promises to be one of the effective...
View detailIn industrial manufacturing, ensure information exchange smoothly and minimizing downtime due to incidents are most important. The professional andon system iAndon Call has provided great support for this work.
View detailThe Andon system concept is derived from Toyota with the use of pull cords to report problems and stop production when something goes wrong. And the basic andon call support system has always been a useful tool in lean manufacturing.
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