Time is considered a one-way arrow, only know straight to the future. What appeared, immediately turned into the past, was then maintained or eliminated. And the Andon system was born before 1945 and originated in Japan, until now there is still a place in the era of industrial economy 4.0 booming. Let's...
View detailAndon System is an integrated technology solution between software and hardware to help production managers to inspect and monitor production processes comprehensively, and at the same time detect when any abnormalities arise. production system.
View detailLean manufacturing is the concept of eliminating redundancy in a production line - be it a waste of time, materials or production capacity. The Andon System is a software tool that allows a company to better manage its resources for higher productivity.
View detailIn the age of Andon technology is converted from static to dynamic form, reporting real-time operating status on modern digital devices. Andon system is a tool to detect anomalies in production, immediately notify by picture, sound, email or SMS to users, who are in charge of management when an incident...
View detailFor large-scale manufacturing factories with a lot of workers, maintaining communication and updating information is very difficult in traditional ways. Moreover, professional support staff such as maintenance, engineering, quality ... need to be streamlined, so they must be flexible and handle incidents...
View detailWhy is production management considered the key to business success? It is both a challenge and an opportunity for the growth of that business. If you are still wondering about this, let us explore some of the core goals of production output management.
View detailOne of Toyota's lean (Lean) philosophy is eye management. The automated systems mean: if there is an abnormal production problem, machinery and equipment must be stopped. The key here is to make a clear distinction between what is normal and what is unusual. In terms of quality, it is the exposure of bad,...
View detailThere are a lot of articles that have detailed the mechanical work of the Andon signaling system - including tower lights, zippers, buttons, sensors, boards ... But you really know how to work and to use Andon system effectively yet?
View detailIndustry 4.0 is taking place at an exponentially fast speed, changing the context of the global economy and increasingly influencing Vietnam in both positive and negative ways. Manufacturing industries also face great opportunities and challenges. Efficient and economical production management is a concern...
View detailAndon system is a solution to monitor the operation of the system of machines in the production line of the factory, notify and alert immediately about problems arising in the production process. From breakdowns to maintenance operations to raw material and material requirements, enhancing production...
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