In industrial production, where CNC machines are more and more advanced, modern and applied, take on many tasks to improve efficiency, accuracy, productivity and reduce labor. Therefore, in addition to continuously learning, updating information on how to use and operate the machine most effectively,...
View detailIn production units, in order to maintain competitiveness and business capacity, it is imperative to always find ways to increase productivity and improve product quality. The MES production execution system helps identify and handle backlogs in production, helping managers have options to improve productivity,...
View detailWhy is production management considered the key to business success? It is both a challenge and an opportunity for the growth of that business. If you are still wondering about this, let us explore some of the core goals of production output management.
View detailThe production management system is part of the overall Andon management system. Developed and manufactured with Avani Vietnam Company.
View detailThere are a lot of articles that have detailed the mechanical work of the Andon signaling system - including tower lights, zippers, buttons, sensors, boards ... But you really know how to work and to use Andon system effectively yet?
View detailIndustry 4.0 is taking place at an exponentially fast speed, changing the context of the global economy and increasingly influencing Vietnam in both positive and negative ways. Manufacturing industries also face great opportunities and challenges. Efficient and economical production management is a concern...
View detailIn lean manufacturing, Andon is a visual and audible warning system installed in factories to signal defects in the production line. This term originated in Japan and the system was used for the first time at Toyota. Andon systems can be activated automatically or manually to ensure better management...
View detailAndon is no longer a foreign concept to production managers. Andon system started to be widely used thanks to the practical value it brings to management and production.
View detailImproving production - Kaizen is considered a continuous and continuous mission of factories, manufacturing enterprises. The purpose of improvement is to find many solutions to improve product quality, minimize waste, save costs, increase profits. Using Andon system promises to be one of the effective...
View detailAndon system with applied of high technology, application of Industrial IoT, wireless communication, forming a real-time monitoring system, alerts operation problems, faulty machines, lack of raw materials, measurement of production indicators that help managers manage and improve production effectively.
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