In the application of IoT technology, machine tool monitoring solutions are always focused on development with the aim of measuring the operating parameters of machinery and equipment, production situation, production capacity of the factory and other production indicators in real time. iAndon Light...
View detailProduction management for production machines such as lathes, milling machines, CNC machines, most factories are using manual data collection and processing systems, which have encountered many limitations in both space and time. Currently, the industrial revolution 4.0, the application of automatic...
View detailIn manufacturing enterprises, production management in general and production output management in particular play a very important role - it directly determines the company's revenue, profitability and reputation. there. Usually, production managers have to take on a relatively large amount of work...
View detailAndon System is an integrated technology solution between software and hardware to help production managers to inspect and monitor production processes comprehensively, and at the same time detect when any abnormalities arise. production system.
View detailAndon is a solution to monitor the operation of machines in the production line effectively. The system allows immediate notification and warning about problems encountered in the production process. From mass or single-point incidents, to maintenance operations or supply requirements for manpower and materials....
View detailIn the age of Andon technology is converted from static to dynamic form, reporting real-time operating status on modern digital devices. Andon system is a tool to detect anomalies in production, immediately notify by picture, sound, email or SMS to users, who are in charge of management when an incident...
View detailFor large-scale manufacturing factories with a lot of workers, maintaining communication and updating information is very difficult in traditional ways. Moreover, professional support staff such as maintenance, engineering, quality ... need to be streamlined, so they must be flexible and handle incidents...
View detailOne of Toyota's lean (Lean) philosophy is eye management. The automated systems mean: if there is an abnormal production problem, machinery and equipment must be stopped. The key here is to make a clear distinction between what is normal and what is unusual. In terms of quality, it is the exposure of bad,...
View detailThe world is undergoing the biggest changes in over a millennium with the 4th industrial revolution, which marks the maturity of technology in the manufacturing industry and usher in a new era of factories. "clever". Therefore, businesses need to try to change their business processes, business structures...
View detailThe Andon system is a production warning system, part of the factory production management process, which is a useful tool in controlling and managing the operating status of all machinery.
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