Visual management is a management technique, which helps to communicate and recognize information quickly using visual signals instead of the manager having to access information evaluation through a written document or a regular reports. Through the use of intuitive tools, people can observe and see what needs to be done and what it means. Andon system is an effective visual management realization tool.
Andon system part of visual management
The purpose of visual management is to guide work through images to help workers quickly grasp production information; to help managers save time and effort, manage more simply and effectively … Andon’s main aim is to improve information flow in case problems arise. Andon system, with system of indicator lights and display board will show the status of different processes in the system, production value against the set target. In addition, will display statistics of defective products, production efficiency or problems with the supply of production materials … provide information in a specific, accurate and fast manner.
One of the advantages of the Andon system is that it is not limited to one board and one fixed device. According to the management needs of factories, the system supplier will consult and give the most necessary and practical display tables. In addition, if there is an irreversible problem in a machine’s running cycle, Andon system can automatically stop the line, stopping the production process until the problem is corrected.
Intuitive management using Andon system helps factories identify and eliminate unnecessary waste costs, improve teamwork spirit, improve production efficiency, working environment. Above all, it helps the plant build a solid foundation in the process of improving productivity and product quality.