For some industries, there is a lot of support for automatic machinery systems such as manufacturing and assembling automobiles and motorbikes, manufacturing spare parts, mass-engineering, electronics, home appliances …, systems The machine usually has a high rate of automation, good function, the machine runs or uses an indicator light, when there is an incident, there are also warning lights and even attracting horns, trained workers in order to function well. However, with a large scale of tens, hundreds or even thousands of machines, how can the management and coordination departments grasp the general situation and problems in each machine?
With the features and problems as above, iAndon Light Monitoring Solution is the answer!
IAndon Light Monitoring system is a solution based on signal lights at each machine to collect, process and analyze information, support real-time monitoring of the operating status of the entire machine system. dynamic, centralized, support instant monitoring, call incident reports, calculate operating performance, form a historical data system to analyze and optimize production.
Typically, these types of machines will be fitted with a set of signal lights (usually multicolored tower lights), with corresponding color indicators such as the following example:
When the worker presses the button at the position, the corresponding light will flash and there may be a buzzer to increase attractiveness. At the same time, the Andon screen will receive information to show problems, location occurring in large numbers and a visual color palette. From there, the relevant departments will approach and assist in solving the problem, minimizing downtime due to the problem, solving problems early and reducing problems that can cause failure to lead to the next operation.
Andon software system also logs problems, call initiation time, access support time and problem end time, forms a detailed log system, helps evaluate and assigns analysis to improve production operations, improve efficiency, quality, enhance interactivity and continuously update, as soon as any stage is needed, without wasting resources just in time. .
The system is usually deployed by wireless technology, making deployment quick, economical and easy to maintain. Avani is a professional Andon supplier, with experience in deployment and technology capacity, we will help factory solve problems related to andon system, monitor automatic production to build a system. detailed, multidimensional information, geared towards smarter and more efficient production activities