MES – Manufacturing Execution System is a production operating system, having the function of an operating system, monitoring, collecting data through a production cycle, recording all production information arising over time. real time. Through the acquisition and communication devices, the data is sent to the central host computer. The MES system can be integrated with other management systems in the enterprise to form an overview, allowing managers to evaluate the effectiveness and productivity of each position in the company. factory.
The goal of the MES system is to improve production productivity, reduce excess wasted time, cut production costs, in general, save costs, improve product quality, increase profits for businesses. Karma.
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning is an enterprise resource planning system. As a general system, minimizing errors arising in the departments of the enterprise and giving an overview of the situation of the entire enterprise. Through the software system, information is recorded uniformly, throughout from accounting data entry to export – import – inventory. The main function of the ERP system is to integrate all information and data of all departments into a single system to track and manage, fully meet the needs of the business and have flexibility. high. ERP as a giant, can solve arising problems related to finance and accounting, human resources, production, supply, sales…
So the question is, why already use ERP, still need MES?
The core competence of MES is promoting production control process, managing product production origin, and planning reasonable production; besides will interact with other departments to manage forecast quality and optimize production activities. And ERP helps to improve the efficiency of business processes, increase the coordination between departments to save costs, manage data in real time, report and support management to make timely decisions, increase the competitive advantage of enterprises.
As a general system, the production management application in the ERP system cannot perform detailed work related to each production line, nor does it have the function to link directly to the machine system. device. Production management in the ERP system only performs statistical work when the production product has been completed. Therefore, a MES system is required. The integration of two ERP and MES systems is a premise for your business to make the most of the core capabilities of technology, increase the accuracy of production plans and forecasts, reduce inventory, avoid waste costs lost due to excess or shortage of production. Manufacturing enterprises should use both of these systems to achieve the highest efficiency in production management.
In short, managers need to understand their business goals and choose a technology system to apply. ERP can be used for all companies and organizations of all sizes, large and small because it has the function of managing the entire operation of the business. MES is mainly focused on the production function, which will be suitable for manufacturing businesses. With experience in successfully implementing many ERP and MES projects for small and medium enterprises, Avani is always ready to help and advise all needs of businesses. Contact us for an effective management solution.