For example, in a factory, when a worker is operating machine 05 at line No. 08, there is a problem. This worker briefly considered the incident for about 1 minute and decided to call the Line Leader. To meet and report to the Leader, he walks at least 200 meters in about 20 seconds, but the team leader is not in the position he is looking for. The worker continued to walk 400 meters in the opposite direction for about 40 seconds and met the team leader. After quick discussed for about 1 minute, the Line Leader moves to No. 05 on line 08 for 30 seconds and considers for 1 minute. After that, the Line Leader decided to call for support from the Maintenance department. The Leader moves and looks for maintenance for 2 minutes, quick discussed for 1 minute and moves to the incident location for another 2 minutes. Thus, from the incident detection until the maintenance personnel reach the location of the incident takes up the total time of 9 minutes. That means at least 9 minutes downtime of worker and the machine at that location.
Imagine, if the workers do not have to move to find Line Leader, the Line Leader has information and come to the location of the incident, and the Line Leader can notify the maintenance team without having to search, then How many minutes we can save? It saves 5 minutes 30 minutes and 9 minutes, equivalent to saving 61% of downtime. That saves more than 60% of the waste in the performance of workers and machines.
The andon system in production monitoring will support this. The system is automatically or semi-automatically triggered when an issue occurs, the team leader detects the location and type of incident immediately to reach. If need help from other deparment, Line Leader will send the request, immediately the related departments receive the signal, immediately know the position and the problem type to solve it quickly.
In addition, the andon system will also provide information about quality status or quality issues, which help managers identify and implement appropriate remedies.
If implemented with the product counting system, managers and foreman/forewoman will always be updated with the current progress, the ability to complete orders. Then they can make appropriate decisions to ensure the plan.
Using Andon system – production monitoring for the factory, manufacturing line is a simple but effective solution in operation, modern in technology, is an indispensable component in the professional factories and manufacturing lines.