Common problems

Project workflow

Project workflow included 5 steps:

Step 1: Collect requirements

Step 2: Design solution, make proposal and quotation

Step 3: Negotiate and sign the contract

Step 4: Implement

Step 5: Finish, go live and and switch to warranty period



Warranty period:

- Software: 12 months

- Main equipment: 12 months

- Accessories: 03 months

Warranty process:

- Step 1: Customers raise requests: via email, skype, call

- Step 2: Analytics the issue and respond to customers about fixing method

- Bước 3: Do fix issues

Time to response:

- Issues make system halted: Response in 1 hour

- Equipment or software issues but system can still work:  Response in 4 hour

- Issues are not effect to system operating:  Response in 8 hour